Website Privacy Policy
Weir & Sons, 96-99 Grafton Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Tel: +353 1 677 9678

This website is brought to you by Weir & Sons. We take the privacy of our website users very seriously. We ask that you read this Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information about how we will use your personal data and the rights that you have in relation to it.

1. Personal data we collect about you

1.1 We will obtain personal data about you (such as your name, address, email address) whenever you complete our online registration form regardless of whether you purchase goods or services or not, when you subscribe to our newsletter or participate in a competition online, instore or through social media. If you provide us with such information, you are consenting to us processing it for the purpose of entering into a contract with us for the sale and purchase of goods and services or for marketing purposes as the case may be.

2. How we use your personal data

1.1 We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • to help us identify you and any accounts you hold with us;
  • administration;
  • research, statistical analysis and behavioural analysis
  • customer profiling and analysing your purchasing preferences;
  • marketing—see 'Marketing and opting out', below;
  • fraud prevention and detection;
  • billing and order fulfilment;
  • credit scoring and credit checking—see 'Credit checking', below;
  • customising this website and its content to your particular preferences;
  • to notify you of any changes to this website or to our services that may affect you;

3. Newsletter

3.1 If you sign up to our newsletter or if you have agreed to receive marketing information via a competition online, in-store or on social media then we will only use your personal information to administer your email account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us.

3.2 We will send you by email news and information about our products, services, promotions and special offers that may be of interest to you.

3.3 You are always free to unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email you receive from us or you can contact us by mail, telephone or email.

4. Sharing your personal data

4.1 Your personal data may be shared only with the following recipients for the limited reasons outlined above and under the strict obligation for them to keep your data safe and secure.

  • our agents, business partners and service providers;
  • credit reference agents (see Credit checking below);
  • law enforcement agencies in connection with any unlawful activity investigation or prevention activities.


5. Keeping your data secure

5.1 We work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input.

5.2 We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage, and disclosure of personally identifiable customer information.

5.3 Access to your account is controlled by a password and username that are unique to you. Passwords are encrypted and Weir & Sons have no access to these. It is important for you to protect against unauthorised access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when you finish using a shared computer.

5.4 While we will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your personal data, you acknowledge that the use of the internet is not entirely secure and for this reason, we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal data that are transferred from you or to you via the internet.

6. Monitoring

6.1 We may monitor and record email communications with you for the purpose of quality assurance, training, fraud prevention and compliance.

7. Information about other individuals

7.1 If you give us information on behalf of someone else, you confirm that the other person has appointed you to act on his/her behalf and has agreed that you can give consent on his/her behalf to the processing of his/her personal data according to this Privacy Policy.

8. Retention of Data

8.1 We will hold personal data about you as long as you maintain your account with us and for 7 years after the fulfilment of your last order with us.

9. Your rights in relation to your personal data

9.1 You have the right to:

  • withdraw your consent for your data to be processed;
  • access the personal data that we are processing about you;
  • require us to rectify inaccuracies in that data;
  • in certain circumstances object to or restrict processing;
  • in certain circumstances for your data to be erased;
  • lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner who is our independent regulator for data protection.

10. Exercising your rights

10.1 If you wish to exercise your right of access, rectification, objection or erasure, you should:

  • put your request in writing;
  • include proof of your identity and address (e.g. a copy of your driving licence or passport, and a recent utility or credit card bill);
  • specify the personal data your request refers to, including any account or reference numbers where applicable.

11. Our contact details

11.1 We welcome your feedback and questions. If you wish to contact us, please send an email to or you can write to us at our registered office located at 96-99 Grafton Street, Dublin 2, Ireland or call us on +353 1 677 9678.

11.2 We may change this privacy policy from time to time. You should check this policy occasionally to ensure you are aware of the most recent version that will apply each time you access this website.


12. Rolex Section

12.1 While navigating on the Rolex section of our website, you may interact with an embedded website from . In such case, Terms of Use, Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy of are sole applicable.

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